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First Aid Kit

21 Oct 2017

Official Recommendation of the International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine (ICAR Medcom)

O. Reisten MD, M. Blancher MD, B. Brink MD, I. Soteras MD, D. Watson MD, U. Wiget MD.

This consensus recommendation is focused in the area of outdoor sports, wilderness and activities on mountain rescue situations and scenarios in alpine environment. First aid issues in general or in home or street setting are not issue of this review. It is meant to describe the situation of mountaineering aside from professional mountain rescue when mountaineers, guides or health professionals meet critical situations during a mountaineering activity. How can they prepare themselves regarding their skills and equipment on situations when professional rescue comes later and time has to be bridged until professionals can help? In addition common minor problems shall be covered by the recommendation as well.

Finally a modular first aid kit is recommended with material and drugs mostly internationally available and suitable for the most common mayor and minor problems occurring during activities in the mountains.
