Marking of Locations on an Avalanche
16 Oct 2004
- Whereas an efficient avalanche rescue requires a clear site layout,
- Whereas a unified system of marking facilitates the cooperation among different organizations,
- Whereas a unified system of marking reduces the potential for errors and misunderstandings,
the Commission for Avalanche Rescue of the International Commission for Alpine Rescue has adopted the following recommendation:
- All significant items on an avalanche shall be marked with colored markers.
- The border of the avalanche shall be marked with yellow markers (main color).
- Areas that have been probed shall be marked with red makers.
3.1. Areas that have been searched by other means may be marked with other colors, except yellow, red, and blue. - The accident-party’s entrance and exit tracks, and objects-found shall be marked with blue markers.
4.1. For easier recording, the blue markers may carry clearly visible numbers. - The last-seen area shall be marked by two crossed markers.
Agreed upon in Zakopane, Poland on October 16, 2004.