One of the main goals and tasks of the ICAR Avalanche Rescue Commission is to provide a platform to present avalanche search and rescue systems. The exchange of experience and the discussions at our meetings help to gain new insights and to transfer the knowledge to the practice.
A main task of ...
Charley SHIMANSKI (MRA Mountain Rescue Association, USA).
The ICAR Air Rescue Commission consists of experts, pilots, HEMS crew members and hoist operators from all ICAR member organizations. The ICAR Air Rescue Commission tasks, goals and targets are the same as for ICAR: sharing our experience, learning from others and working on prevention.
The comm...
Dr John Ellerton (MREW Mountain Rescue England and Wales).
Recommendations of this commission are published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and referenced to "International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine (ICAR MEDCOM)".
Marcel MEIER (ARS Alpine Rettung Schweiz).
The ICAR Sub-Commission Dog-Handlers is led by a President. Now an ICAR Sub-Commission on its own, it used to be attached to the ICAR Avalanche Rescue Commission in the past. The Sub-Commission is committed to its common interests and has the aim of developing exchange and training recommendation...
Volker Lischke (DRK Bergwacht)
Dan Hourihan (MRA)
Alexis Mallon (ENSA)